我们是一个治理小队 Gov Squad。

历史 History


Operating for nearly two years, starting from October 2021, the main focus in late 2021 and 2022 was on theoretical and case studies, concentrating on public goods and their self-governance issues, and organizing a small group of 86 people, holding 75 reading groups/research meetings. In early 2023, we moved towards practical application, participating in the governance of NounsDAO. As of November 14, 2023, we have completed independent due diligence on proposals from No. 237 to 438, and established a group of over 200 people. We hold a weekly public governance research meeting, totaling 47 sessions, where we share with the community the interesting points and lessons learned, as well as the controversies we have observed in the proposals.

原则 principle

我们的基本原则是放弃投赞成票的权力。 我们会对提案进行负责的研究调查,只反对一种类型的提案——严重扭曲了基本事实,例如谎言、隐瞒利益关系...


Our fundamental principle is to relinquish the power to vote ‘For’. We conduct responsible research and investigation on proposals, opposing only those that seriously distort the basic facts, such as lies, concealment of interests, etc. As for the usual conflicts of values, we step back and turn to our daily work, like a workshop, practicing the arts of research and governance. Following our regular rhythm, we study different events/proposals weekly, sharing with the community the value positions of different roles from our perspective, the interests involved, and more importantly, the situation of the matter itself and some interesting aspects.


计划 Plan

2024 年我们计划转型,提供治理的咨询服务:

并且与2023年不同的是,我们将治理研究的范围继续扩大,第一季度从 NounsDAO 扩展到 Optimism、Arbitrum、Polygon 等生态上。

In 2024, we plan to continue the activities we have been doing weekly over the past year:

Unlike 2023, we will further expand the scope of our governance research. In the first quarter, we will extend from NounsDAO to ecosystems such as Optimism, Arbitrum, and Polygon.

https://files.oaiusercontent.com/file-KkNNBAF0bXrFGPoBhQKTeG9Q?se=2123-10-19T03%3A12%3A29Z&sp=r&sv=2021-08-06&sr=b&rscc=max-age%3D31536000%2C immutable&rscd=attachment%3B filename%3Da20d0e96-e880-49d1-8d6f-2af9a0e7beb7.png&sig=hmkWYRe4ET3caG3yeL1VZjMqz/toe3yY3Yvv73UgaIE%3D

流程 Process

Untitled (1).png

周一前:完成本周议题的基本调研,形成提案研究文档。 周一:提前会议,四位成员对所有提案进行讨论,选择两到三个提案在周二的治理会议上探讨。提案分享会侧重背后存在话题复杂性,或本身是很优秀的想法,以让更多人了解Crypto有趣的地方 周二:治理会议。此为对所有人公开的会议,议员们关于提案进行公开的辩论。

By Monday: complete basic research on the week's topic and create a proposal research document.

Monday: early meeting where four members discuss all the proposals and choose two or three to explore at Tuesday's governance meeting. Proposal sharing will focus on topics that have topic complexity behind them, or are excellent ideas in their own right, in order to get more people to understand what's interesting about Crypto

Tuesday: governance meeting. This is a meeting open to all, where councillors have an open debate about the proposals.